These a few of the most popular games played at 99% of the Bar and Bat Mitzvahs in the area and around the world
1) Coke and Pepsi is the most popular game because everyone old and young can play. Two lines across the dance floor, 1 Coke and 1 Pepsi. When one name is called that side runs to the other side and sits on the knee of their partner. Last ones there are out. Call out Mountain Dew and Both Lines run to the middle and high 5 their partner, saying the guest of honors name ( Jason ) or Star Trek and everyone raises their right hand up and yells "BEAM ME UP SCOTTY"
2) Hula Hoops make one big circle, have everyone hold hands, put the hoop between them, play a fast song, the hoop must be passed around the circle without breaking the hands. When the music stops, whoever has the hoop around is out. This continues until there is only one person left.
3) Mummy or Present Wrap 1 person is to be the Mummy and 2 or 4 are the wrappers. Four rolls of toilet paper are used. Wrappers run around and wrap the Mummy. At the Mitzvah, you can also include bows, ribbons, garland or whatever. Suggested Music: Thriller , Monster Mash
4) Scavenger Hunt you can have as many people as you like play this game. Have the players come to the dance floor with a chair. Everyone must sit. The MC calls something out like a "MasterCard". The players run to find one. While they are gone, we remove one chair. The person who comes back and doesn't have a seat is out. This can be done quickly by calling another item while people are still out and removing another chair. We can also create a list of items for them to find while they are out and the first team back with all of the items wins.
5) Balloon Stomp is a very high energy game. Everybody gets a balloon attached to a string that is tied to their ankle. The object is to pop everyone else’s balloon while protecting yours. Players must stay within arranged areas. You can spice this up by adding a freeze portion. When the music stops, all must stop. Suggested Music: Get Ready For This or any Hi-Energy Song!
6) Balloon Pass #1 Teams are made up of two lines facing each other. 1st two people put balloons between them where ever the DJ calls, (hips, shoulders, stomach) and they hold the balloon at between that point on their bodies( no Hands) and go to the end of the line where the balloon is passed back to the head of the line and the next couple go.
7) Balloon Pass #2 is fast and fun game, you make three lines of ten people each. The first person in line passes a balloon over their head to the person behind them, who in turn passes the balloon between their legs to the person behind them, who passes the balloon over their head and so on. When the balloon gets to the end of the line, that person runs to the front of the line and starts all over. The line that gets the starting person all the way to the back wins!
8) Balloon Pop is four people per team, two poppers and two blowers. The object is simple, two people blow up the balloons and two people pop them. But they must be popped by holding the balloon between the two people and not using the hands.
9) Balloon Stuff you need teams of three or four. 1 person is the "stuffy" and the others are the "stuffers". The "stuffy" puts on an oversized t-shirt, the "stuffers" are given balloons. The object is for the "stuffers" to blow up balloons and stuff them under the t-shirt of the "stuffy". The team with the most balloons under the shirt in a given time wins! Time allotted game.
10) Trike Races is a very fast and upbeat activity. Two bikes are used with teams of how many ever you want. The object is to ride the bike down thru the orange cones and back to the next team member. They can hit or knock over the cones. Any number of people can do this game.
11) Marshmallow Run is a team game. Each person has a straw, they need to suck up 1 marshmallow and carry it across the dance floor and put it into a glass and run back and slap the hand of the next person in line. 1st team to get one marshmallow for each player wins. Works great with 8 -10 players Suggested Music: Rock 'n Roll Part 2 or any other music selected from the guests music list.
12) Musical Men / Women have as many men or women sit on chairs in a circle with one person still standing. When the music starts the people standing have to rotate around the sitting people and when the music stop try and find a lap to sit on. Whoever is left standing is out, take away a chair and continue. The last couple wins! One person per lap
13) Unwrap the Gift A gift is wrapped over and over and over with paper and tape and more tape. Players roll dice (fuzzy) until they get doubles, when they do they go in the middle and put on big gloves, hat, shirt or whatever and try to unwrap the gift. While this is happening, the other players are still rolling the dice so when the next person gets doubles; they go to the middle and have to put on all the stuff and try to open the gift. The person, who gets the gift, wins!
14) Long Balloon Pass has everyone get into a circle. Use a long balloon and have guests pass it around the circle between their legs and not using their hands. When the music stops, whoever is touching or holding the balloon is out,
15) Pass and Guess is a good game for the dinner hour. A jar is filled with Jelly Beans and is passed around the table. Each person must write on a piece of paper their guess and their name. They then hand it to the DJ. The person who gets the closest wins the jar and beans!
16) Human Ring Toss is high energy game can be done many times to get everyone involved. It takes 6 teams of two, one person wears a hat with a point on it and is the catcher, and the other is the tosser. It is a simple game; the first team to catch 4 rings wins!
17) Marshmallow Sculpting each team is given a bag of marshmallows and tooth picks. The object is to make something as a team in a certain amount of time. You can spice this up by making it a theme, i.e. Football, Horses, work related, etc...
18) Limbo all we need for this is two people to hold the limbo stick while the rest line up to go under it. It always seems to be a crowd pleaser and you can have a girl and guy winner. You may also do this as a couple or team event with more than one going under at the same time.
19) Huggy Bear everyone is on the dance floor. Play a song and have everyone dance. Yell out a number and the people must get into groups of that number. Anyone not in a group of that number is out. Everyone can play this, young and old!
20) Freeze Dance play a fast song and when the music stops, all must freeze. Changing songs and telling people what to do like put your hands in the air will add spice to the contest.
21) Walla Balla Play Walla Balla and try to make as many baskets as possible in a given time. Each of three baskets is numbered with a higher score. This can be done with as many people as you want.
22) Egg/ Water Balloon Toss it takes two lines of people evenly numbered. They toss the egg and catch it. Each time a step backward is taken. They get farther and farther apart. The last team wins. This is a game that must be done outside. You can also use water balloons.
23) Tug-O-War All you need is one long piece of rope and strong people. This can be spiced up by making the teams do it backwards. This also should be played outdoors. This game is great for young and old as well.
24) Human Puzzle is game takes two people. Each person has one puzzle put on their wrists. The puzzles are inner joined. The object is to get separated without taking the puzzles off your wrists! Lots of Fun! One of the most requested games.
25) Guest DJ where we pick out one of the winners from one of the games and let them dress up in a Tuxedo and play one song using our system
26) Marcel 21 is a game where we line up the teams who need to create a pyramid with 21 cups out on the floor. Each team is given a different color cup. The first team with the 21 cup stacked up is the winner.
27) Numerical Trivia is where we line up teams of 10 team players with each getting a number 0 – 9 and one addition person as a captain. We ask a question and the kids have to line up using their number to make the answer. The group with the most right answers wins.